Friday 6 June 2008

Madonna - Bandas Father Speaks Out Over Madonna Adoption

The Malawian father of MADONNA's adopted son DAVID BANDA has spoken of his heartbreak at letting his son go - insisting he didn't "abandon" the tot.

The pop superstar found David, now two, in a Malawian orphanage in 2006, and started the official adoption process - taking him back to live with her in Britain.

And Yohane Banda insists he never wanted to leave the youngster in an orphanage, but severe poverty forced him to take drastic action.

Banda lost two children in childbirth and his wife died soon after David was born, and he feared he would struggle to survive as a single father.

He says, "After losing two sons, I really wanted David to survive. It isn't true that we abandoned him."

And when news broke that a "rich white woman" was interested in adopting the tot, Banda was forced to agree it would be the best thing for the child.

He adds, "We sat down as a family to consider it. After banging our heads together we thought this was good for David so we readily agreed."

Madonna and her husband Guy Ritchie face a final adoption hearing in the country later this week (07May08) where she is expected to be granted official custody of David Banda.

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