Friday 13 June 2008

Yeah Yeah Yeahs new tracks are inspired by cats

Yeah Yeah Yeahs are working on some new songs in the studio - with cats providing the inspiration.

The band recently moved to the country from the city to continue work on tracks for their new album - the follow-up to their acclaimed 2006 record 'Show Your Bones'.

A message on the band's blog explained their reason for escaping the hectic city life and said: "One thing the city don't have that the country got is SPACE and there has been plenty of spacing out in the studio as of late."

The trio also revealed one of their current, and past, inspirations - kittens.

The blog continued: "Fuzzy soft muses aka kittens have played a major role in the writing process of YYY's current and past records. 'Show Your Bones' was written in Sam Spiegel's home studio amidst the birth of a litter of kittens, little gold lions scrambling around."

The band added there is one particular kitten, called Squeaker, who is inspiring their third record.

The group said of the kitten: "We've watched him grow before our very eyes from a blind and helpless little thing into a frisky and fierce little beauty - much like the tunes we're writing."